30 Journal Prompts for Self Esteem Boosting and Positive Thinking
Journaling for self-esteem is a great way to improve your mood and mindset regarding yourself, your mental health, and your body. By getting any negative thoughts out and bringing more positive ideas to life, you will feel your spirits being lifted. Not sure what to write? Take a look at these 30 journal prompts for self esteem that will help!
Journaling can help with so many things!

Journal Prompts for Self Esteem:
1. What is the best compliment you have been given? How did it make you feel?
2. What is a unique talent you have?
3. Write about a time you were recognized for your accomplishments at work or school.
4. Name 5 things you did right today, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.
5. Describe a mistake you made in the last week. How can you prevent the same mistake again?
6. Discuss 3 reasons why you deserve to be loved.
7. Think about a time when you regretted your decision. Write out how you felt and create a written apology for yourself.
8. CONFIDENCE: Write what this word means to you. How can you improve your confidence?
9. Create a list of goals you plan to accomplish in the next year. Choose three priority goals that you plan to focus on most.
10. Devise a plan for each of your three priority goals. How do you plan to make the dreams a reality?
11. Talk about your favorite role model as if you are describing him/her to a friend who does not know this person. What about this person makes you look up to him/her?
12. Discuss your best personality trait. How do your friends describe you? What do they love about you?
13. List 5 things you are most grateful for in your life today.
14. What is the most negative thought in your brain right now? Discuss how you can eliminate it from your mind.
15. COURAGE: What does this word mean to you? How have you shown courage recently?
16. Write about past fear you were able to overcome. How did you feel before and after the experience?
17. Pen a thank you letter to your mind and/or body.
18. Discuss something you want to learn, improve, or change that would make you feel better about yourself. Create an action plan to get this taken care of.
19. List 10 things you are thankful for in your life right now. Don’t forget to focus on yourself – qualities, body parts, skills, etc.
20. Write down your favorite confidence and self-esteem quotes from the internet as a reference page when you need motivation.
21. Write about something you need to tell someone who is negatively affecting your life.
22. Discuss your support system for times you are feeling down on yourself. How do they help boost your confidence?
23. Create a playlist of mood-boosting songs and why you enjoy listening to each when you need a lift.
24. How could you make your life more positive?
25. Do you compare yourself to others? Discuss how this could be harmful to your self-esteem.
26. What unique traits do you have that your friends envy?
27. Discuss one thing you can do RIGHT NOW that your future self will love you for later.
28. BRAVE: What does this word mean to you? When have you been brave in the past?
29. List 5 things you’ve done for others that made you feel good about yourself.
30. What does it mean to you to have high self-esteem?
As you can see, the more you write about positive aspects of your life – or how to get rid of the negative feelings – the more you should start to see your self-esteem rise! Journaling can also be helpful when dealing with anxiety and depression.
Need even MORE prompts? Taima over at Poor in a Private Plane has a list of 101+ journal prompts to keep you busy for ages!!
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