positive parenting journal

Positive parenting Bullet Journal

Positive parenting isn't for the faint of heart! Combining a bullet journal with positive parenting can give you the strength it takes to get through. I know it can be tough to stay positive when you just want to scream, and it's more difficult to control the anger than it is to let it out, but we can do that without yelling. Being a positive parent takes work. I have found that using a bullet journal to track my progress makes it easier to stay positive.

positive parenting journal

Bullet Journaling 101

Bullet Journaling is a form of journaling that uses bullet points for tasks or thoughts you want to remember. Keeping a bullet journal allows you to have everything organized in one place and keeps you on track for completing tasks.

This post about bullet journaling was
written by Heather from Pen and Papertopia.

Bullet journals can also be used to track:

  • emotions
  • jobs
  • chores
  • books you want to read (or have already read)
  • your child's behaviors
  • your responses to their behaviors
  • and more!

There is no right or wrong to bullet journal, you can use a bullet journal however you want!

Positive Parenting

Being positive in today's world can be challenging! It seems everywhere we turn there is something wrong with the world. Hearing and seeing all that negativity takes its toll. We all live busy lives. The busier we are, the shorter our tempers can be.

Sadly, our kids are usually the ones that get the brunt of that short temper. Positive parenting is not always easy, but it will make a difference in the lives of our children, so we have to put the effort in.

Years down the road, you will see the results of positive parenting when your kids are parenting their children in the same positive way.

Positive Parenting and a Bullet Journal

When you combine positive parenting and bullet journaling, its a win-win for everyone involved. The best way to use a bullet journal for positive parenting is to create spreads that will remind you to be calm and remain positive.

This is not going to be something that happens overnight. It will take time and commitment to track in your bullet journal daily, but it certainly will transform how you parent.

Starting a Positive Parenting Bullet Journal

First, find a bullet journal that works for you. There are many types of journals to choose from so finding one that you like and will continue to use is important. If you are already bullet journaling, you can use your current bullet journal or create a separate one just for your positive parenting journey.

bullet journal mood tracker
Sample mood tracker from Sadie's bullet journal

Once you have a journal, it's time to create spreads to help you stay positive. The first bullet journaling spread I would recommend is a mood tracker (I found these free mood trackers for bullet journals that look great!). If you are having a bad day, and you're not in a good mood, it will be easier to lash out at your kids. By creating a mood tracker you will be able to see when and why your moods were good or bad. gr

After the mood tracker, create a spread with positive quotes or affirmations. This will be something you can reference when you need to cool down. Speaking positive words to yourself can improve your mood in a matter of minutes.

Get Your Kids Involved

There is no better source than your kids. They will tell you what they think needs to change. Two of my children have Autism. There's nothing more brutally honest than a kid who can't lie (not all kids with Autism can't lie, but lying stresses my kids out!) and doesn't understand that socially, brutal honesty isn't always appropriate.

Once you've asked your kids what they feel are shortcomings, make a list. My daughter says I roll my eyes too much (I do!) and that she gets upset because it makes her feel like I don't care about what she is saying.

In reality, it's not that I don't understand, but it's usually because she'd told me the same thing 100 times in a row and I'm tired of hearing it. That's not a great thing as a parent, but we all feel that way.

With that information, this is the spread I would create. I let my kids write a few things they would say about our family. Having these things in their handwriting makes it more personal. Months down the road you can look back on this spread and see the positive progress you are making.

Tracking Kid's Behavior

Using a bullet journal to track your kid's behavior will help you turn negative reactions into positive parenting. Knowing what triggers your kid's behaviors will allow you to adjust your reaction. This one is hard for me! Most of the time I just want my kids to obey, I don't think about what is causing them to disobey. Contrary to popular opinion, they're not disobeying because they are bad kids. They have emotions and feelings, too; most kids don't always know how to process those feelings.

Kids and Bullet Journaling

The process of positive parenting involves the kids, so why not include them? Get your child(ren) a bullet journal and let them join in the tracking! This post about Kids and Bullet Journaling will get you started.

Most kids have access to the internet and Pinterest is a great resource for ideas. Kids can create their own bullet journaling spreads. Once a week, have a family meeting to go over their tracking and talk about how making positive changes is creating positivity in the family. Kids who have something to do are less likely to be bored, and with the relief of boredom, there will be less negative behaviors!

positive parenting bullet journal
Quotes and positive affirmations from Sadie's bullet journal

Positive Affirmations Spread

Keeping things positive will help you keep your parenting positive. I just added a few but this post contains a lot of positive parenting quotes!

Being a positive parent isn't an overnight transition, and you won't be positive 100% of the time. You will get tired and frustrated, and you will lose your cool, but tracking in a bullet journal will help you see your shortcomings and find ways to correct them. Positive parenting will show your kids that you are in control of your emotions, and will be an example to them of how they should act.


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One Comment

  1. WOW, such a great article! I must try these tips as I yell to my kids so much when angry. Especially the mood tracker.

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