rankiq dashboard screenshot

Best RankIQ Review 2025 (Updated With New Info!)

I haven't ever written a review about an SEO toolset before, but I fell in love with RankIQ and since I made my video in my Facebook group about it, everyone's been asking questions! This RankIQ review post is to answer those questions.

Now when I first started out with RankIQ, I was in love! I had previously been using Keysearch, and their interface was just so “meh” that I didn't get excited to go in there. However, now in 2025, I have updated my recommendations about RankIQ – and I'll update them again as I have more time. Join my email list to stay up to date.

Is it still worth using? Well, the answer is yes and no.

I love RankIQ's keyword library, but other than that (which I can grab in the first month and then cancel), Keysearch really gets the job done, has more options, and costs less.

Note: Affiliate links may be used in this post. I earn a commission when you make a purchase through them. 🙂 Click to learn how to increase your affiliate earnings on your own blog.

What is RankIQ?

RankIQ is a cloud based SEO research tool that is fueled by experienced blogger Brandon Gaille and his team, with the help of Artificial Intelligence… yes, RankIQ is AI!

This powerful tool will save you time – and yes, even money. I love RankIQ for many reasons, but these are definitely in the top two. As a blogger and a coach, sometimes blogging gets moved to the bottom of the “to do” list. Writing is my favorite thing ever, so I was over-joyed to discover RankIQ.

Some people spend hours upon hours researching to find free SEO tools, and then spend even more time trying to figure out how to use them. With RankIQ, the guesswork is gone and the wasted time is reclaimed. Time is money!!!

Who started RankIQ?

I'm always interested in who is behind the products we are using. Brandon Gaille (gay-lee), the host of The Blogging Millionaire podcast, is the CEO and mastermind behind RankIQ. I literally binge-listened to like 30 episodes on my last flight, so after you get RankIQ, I definitely recommend listening to it! They're very short episodes, which I appreciate.

Screenshot of The Blogging Millionaire podcast graphic

He also hosts the RankIQ SEO Mastermind Facebook group, where he and others are super helpful with any SEO questions you may have. This adds tremendous value to the RankIQ experience.

To get this offer, click the image below and there should be a pop-up. This will make your RankIQ subscription $49/mo instead of $99/mo and you get access to the mastermind.

Screenshot of the RankIQ sign up graphic

RankIQ Pricing

The big question is how much does RankIQ cost? As of the time of publishing this RankIQ review, it's $99/mo and you get 16 reports each month.

We will talk about those, and what they mean, in just a bit. However, if you use the link above, it's only $49/mo… saving you 50%!

If for some reason the image above isn't clickable, you can see the current RankIQ pricing here.

After you've been with RankIQ for a month, if you don't need all 16 reports, reach out to them and ask about the “LITE” plan. I haven't used it myself but I've seen other bloggers write about it – it's $29/mo for 8 reports.

If you are only publishing one post and updating one post each week, you'll be fine on this plan. $29 is worth it for the Keyword Library alone. They add new niches all the time so if you have multiple blogs, it's golddddd.

NOTE: if you plan on monetizing your blog, I recommend publishing 3 blog posts each week (or more). You could also update one and publish two new ones… however you want to do it, get that content out there!!

RankIQ Reviews

I asked some of my VIPs what their thoughts were on RankIQ, so you could get some opinions outside of mine. I am an affiliate, after all. 🙂 Though you all know my philosophy: if it doesn't pass the Grandma Test, I'm not putting it on my blog.

If you're looking for an honest RankIQ review from new and experienced bloggers, here are a bunch of them from my VIPs who are all at different stages in their blogging journey.

Update for 2025: Most of these VIPs used RankIQ momentarily but have switched to Keysearch or are just using RightBlogger now.

Jillian from Niche in a Box, who has given me some amazzzzing SEO and blog building advice: “RankIQ has been an invaluable tool and significantly decreased the amount of time it takes to start and complete an SEO-optimized blog. There isn’t any product on the market that provides what RankIQ does. I love using it with AI to really supercharge things.”

“Rank IQ has helped me narrow and focus on topics for blog posts. Since using Rank IQ I’ve noticed an increase in traffic to my blog.” – Antoinette, Foster Mom Strong

Marj from Declutter Buzz says, “Using RankIQ is part of my blog post writing system. It gives me a sense of security that I am on the right path to writing a quality post. Judging from the number of readers my posts have I would have to say RankIQ is helpful.”

English is not my native language, and RankIQ has helped me to structure my posts and determine what keywords to use. My favorite sections are “Top Ranking Titles with Competition Analysis” and “Highest Graded Content in SERPs.” It is very helpful to see and read what the competition is creating.” – Berglind Davis

“I was lost and didn't know what to write before RankIQ. Now I have multiple posts in draft mode, and some are almost ready to be published!” – Rona, Simply Salove

“As someone who buys, grows, and sells websites, RankIQ has been immensely helpful! It helps me see what type of topics would be ‘quick wins' and is a great asset when planning content for my next niche website.” – Natasha from Niche Site Jump Start

“RankIQ has been a game changer for my blog, A Daily Dose of Mom! Since I signed up 2 months ago, I'm no longer wondering what to write. Now I have too much to write about and not enough time. But more than that, I've been able to update old blog posts that have been losing traffic using RankIQ's content optimizer. Since then, my traffic and ad revenue has increased tremendously. But more than that, I've fallen in love with writing for my blog again.” – Anh Evardo

Best RankIQ Features

I've tried many SEO tools and I must say that RankIQ is definitely the simplest. Does that mean it's the best? Not necessarily, but I can see why people like it… especially if they are new to blogging.

Everything is all in one spot, and you don't have to guess with anything (there are tutorials right in your dashboard!). This saves lots of time and headaches.

Screenshot of RankIQ menu bar

Keyword Library

My absolute favorite RankIQ feature is the Keyword Library. It is a treasure trove of goodness for 100s of niches, 10s of thousands of keywords. I don't know if it's my ADHD or the fact that I'm a serial blogger, but the Keyword Library is like candy to me. When I scroll through the various niche libraries, I get so many ideas.

Screenshot of RankIQ niche library

I guess that could be a bad thing if you aren't writing all of the posts… I have a backlog of like 250 to write LOL. But, I'll never run out of ideas! 😉

When you get into the Keyword Library, you can use the “quicklinks” at the top if your niche is represented there. If not, use the search feature.

Screenshot of the RankIQ interface

Can't find your niche? Click the GREEN BUTTON at the top. It'll prompt you to enter some keywords from your niche. See below.

Screenshot of RankIQ niche finder
Screenshot of RankIQ help chat box

If they don't have keywords for your niche yet, use the RED help button and ask them to add it.

Unfortunately, I've gotten many complaints that RankIQ customer service isn't always that helpful – and even sometimes snippy when you contact them for any reason (including adding niches).

I previously said they were super friendly and helpful, but most of the interactions I've had haven't been super awesome.

Customer service is handled by Brandon's wife, so it's not like it's just a $10 an hour customer service rep people are complaining about.

I hope this improves in the future, so I can continue recommending RankIQ.

Okay, so once you find your niche in the Keyword Library, make sure you watch the tutorial in your dashboard.

This is super important. Brandon breaks everything down in easy-to-understand steps, even if you're new to SEO.

Screenshot of RankIQ keyword phrase examples

Things to pay attention to in the Keyword Library:


RankIQ only puts low and low-ish competition keywords in the Keyword Library. That's why if you search topics like “seo” or “AI,” you won't find a whole lot of useful info. Other niches, though, I've found 100s if not 1000s of keywords each time.

I've seen competition up to 32. Brandon does a great job of explaining (via the tutorial in your dashboard) what your domain authority should be to go after each keyword phrase. That doesn't mean you can't go after all of them, it just means it's going to be much easier to rank if you follow his advice. 😉

The reason I like starting with fast-to-rank-for keywords is because it gives me a quick win and I'm able to move on to the next post, interlink them, and begin creating a cluster.

Visits Per Year

This is different than most other SEO tools for bloggers: this column shows visits per year instead of search volume per month. I like this because it's a more realistic number as a jumping off point, but you're going to be ranking for dozens of keywords in each of your posts so don't worry about it if these numbers are low.

Using the above image as an example, if you have a coffee website or blog, there are several keywords that have 3,000+ visits per month with VERY low competition. Being able to find the GOLD like this without sifting through a gazillion keywords saves me sooooo much time. The keywords here are carefully curated by an AI-powered process, doing all the heavy lifting for us.

Time to Rank

Gamification really kicks in for me when I look at the “time to rank” column. If it says “very fast,” I'm all over it. I usually do 80% low competition (fast, or very fast to rank for – these are low-competition keywords) and 20% higher competition (average to rank for).

Blog Post Title Analysis

I could write an entire blog post on naming your blog posts, and I probably should. With RankIQ, I just pop my title in the Title Grader and RankIQ lets me know if it's a good title or not.

Screenshot of RankIQ Title Analysis tool

The length of your blog post title should ideally be between 47-53 characters, though I break that rule frequently. If you can't tell, I'm a bit long-winded… 😉

Your title is the most important factor in your click-through rate.

But, this is just an AI tool – so if you put a crappy title in but include the right keywords, it's going to give you an A+ grade. Don't trust it.

Your blog post titles should:

  • Be succinct: Google will truncate your title if it's too long.
  • Use colons instead of hyphens or pipes
  • Use an odd number for listicles*, with the exception of 10, 50, or 100
  • Match your blog post content – no clickbait!!

Adding the current year to your title is good practice, but that means you've got work to do every year in December: updating blog posts, changing the year to the next year, etc. Do not neglect this step!!

*Using a numbered title for listicle type blog posts gets you 58% more clicks than not using one, according to the Millionaire Blogger Podcast.

Running Reports

You get 16 reports each month with the $99 ($49 if you get the deal) a month plan. Watch the tutorial in your dashboard because it can get confusing to learn a new SEO tool, and there's no reason to waste time fiddling around when RankIQ literally gives you the step by step. Look below at the Content Analysis:

RankIQ screenshot of Content Analysis tool

Content Optimizer

The content optimizer feature is not something I recommend using unless you understand SEO and won't keyword stuff.

The grade is based on an algorithm, so don't freak out if you don't get an A++. Some of my best posts are “B” or even “C” and “D” grades. Meanwhile, other bloggers got wiped out by Google updates for over-optimizing to get an A++! YIKES.

Screenshot of RankIQ Content Optimizer tool

When you first look at the Content Optimizer, it'll be blank and will say “Grade: F” which is pretty intimidating. While you can write your blog post in the dashboard here, I write mine in WordPress and then copy and paste over to check the grade. Writing inside RankIQ stresses me out.

Screenshot of RankIQ Content Optimizer

This post has a “B” grade, and when I look at the “unused words” on the right hand side, they're not words I need to use in my post… so I'm leaving them out. It's much better to write a post that serves your audience well – even if it's a “B” – than to stuff words in that don't fit or make sense just to get an “A” grade. Remember, RankIQ uses AI and an algorithm; we need to write for our readers (hey, that's you!).

Updating old posts

Updating old posts can be just as powerful, if not more so, than writing new blog posts – so don't neglect this option in the Content Optimizer! I love the 80/20 rule – 80% updating old posts according to Brandon's 4-quadrant rule and 20% writing new posts.

Screenshot of graphic showing old post optimization

He suggests going 50/50 but I know my blogs are a mess from neglecting them for a while, so I am starting with 80/20 (this is in the 20!!) and then moving to 50/50 and then 80/20 the other way once I'm finally caught up.

Because I just moved my blogs around, my rankings tanked (!!) but are climbing back quickly thanks to RankIQ. I never would've had the confidence to move my blogs like I did if I didn't have RankIQ.

Rankings Audit

Connect your Google Search Console account and you can see how your blog is ranking.

Screenshot of connecting Google Analytics to RankIQ

The rankings audit inside RankIQ includes:

  • keywords driving the most traffic
  • organic traffic summary
  • traffic by device
  • traffic by country
  • pages with the most traffic in the last 28 and 90 days
  • pages experiencing traffic growth in the last 28 days
  • long term: last 6 months vs previous 6 months
  • year over year: last 3 months vs 3 months in previous year
  • pages experiencing traffic contraction (loss)
  • and more!

Brandon talks a lot about organic traffic decay on his Blogging Millionaire podcast. It's something more experienced bloggers are most susceptible to because we don't always think about updating the old posts. Most of us are continually going after new keywords (because they're way shinier). Keeping an eye on your rankings audit report will ensure you don't neglect the posts that need to be updated.

Pros and Cons

As with every SEO tool (and anything in life), there are pros and cons. While my experience with RankIQ has been positive, I know that not everyone will fall in love with it like I do. Try it for a month and see if you like it. If not, cancel! There's no long term commitment and you aren't locked into any type of contract. In fact, if you aren't using it, I urge you to cancel – don't pay for things you aren't using.

RankIQ Pros

Everything I listed above is a RankIQ Pro. 🙂 While it's not a perfect tool, I do love the keyword library and competition view.

You don't have to know all the ins and outs, you just have to WRITE FOR YOUR AUDIENCE! Do not worry about getting an “A” in the conternt optimizer. That can lead to over optimization and NOT helping your audience.

As you can see with this post, it isn't perfectly laid out and it's not what you may picture when you see a search engine optimized post. But it will rank!

Brandon made this claim in his RankIQ Facebook group:

RankIQ gets results! Mediavine blogs using RankIQ increased their Google traffic 468% more than the Mediavine blogs not using RankIQ.

I would love to see a study done with ahrefs/surfer/keysearch (or any other keyword tool) to see if that's the case as well. I don't think RankIQ is a keyword tool that stands out amongst the rest other than in ease of use and simplicity.

RankIQ Cons

I think I've covered these pretty well already, but the major cons for me when it comes to RankIQ are:

Cost: For me, it feels overpriced to keep for long-term, for what it offers.

Customer service: this is very important to me and it makes me sad that my own customers have said they had bad experiences. However, when this was mentioned on a call, one of my VIPs said she always had pleasant experiences. Maybe it depends on the day.

The Bible verses: As someone who knows there are 1000s of different belief systems across the world, the fact that you have to look at Bible verses while you're waiting for the reports to run is quite annoying. It's a keyword tool, not church.

RankIQ Alternatives

Keysearch is a solid RankIQ alternative. In fact, I'd even say it's a better tool – and more affordable.

Is there a RankIQ Lifetime Deal?

RankIQ does not offer a LTD and if they did, I'd be super leery.

Is RankIQ worth it?

For the first month or two? Sure! After that, you'll have to decide.

What are my next steps?

One thing I want to add to all of my blog posts moving forward (and update on old blog posts) is a “what's next?” path. Considering this is Passive Income Pathways, I feel it's important! This isn't for SEO purposes (though I do want this to be the most comprehensive piece of content ever written about RankIQ), but for user experience: I would love it if every blogger said “okay, here's what to do next” – so I'm becoming that blogger. 🙂 Let me know if it's helpful!

Step 1: Sign up for RankIQ using this link.

Step 2: Join the FB mastermind (link is provided when you sign up).

Step 3: Watch the tutorials in the dashboard. Don't skip this step!

Step 4: Dive into the Keyword Library. Search your niche and sort by low competition, especially if you're a new blogger (12 months or less). Choose the keywords you want to use and save them to your library (you can do this right in the dashboard).

Step 5: Run a report on the first post you want to write. Write the post, get as close to an “A” grade as possible (some of my BEST posts are “B” grades, so don't fuss if you know it's a damn good post).

Step 6: Rinse and repeat, alternating between writing new posts and optimizing old posts.

Step 7: Watch my lazy blogging video, it's a follow-up to my RankIQ review.

With the help of RankIQ, you can shorten the learning curve and start ranking for relevant keywords on your blog(s) sooner rather than later. I highly recommend it. Many new bloggers get bottle-necked at this part of the process, and there is no need for it. You've got this!

If this post helped you in any way, please pin one of these images below!

It helps my blog tremendously. Thank you!

Why You Should Use RankIQ to Write and Update Blog Posts
How to Use RankIQ to Write Blog Posts that Rank and How to Update Old Posts | Passive Income Pathways
How to Use RankIQ to Write Blog Posts that Rank Fast

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One Comment

  1. I totally agree that the biggest con in RANKIQ is the bible verses.

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