How To Blog
10 Easy Ways to Find Blog Content Ideas
One of my super powers is coming up with blog post ideas. So much so, in fact, that I used to sell post ideas to other bloggers for $1 each…
How to Choose A Profitable Blog Niche: Step by Step
“Help! I have too many ideas and can't choose a profitable blog niche!” You and every other ADHD person I've met, amiright? If you're new here, my name is Sadie…
101 Blog Post Ideas for Mindfulness Niche Blogs
Every time I open the doors to VIP, I get new folks in who want to choose mindfulness as their blog niche. While this niche can be amazing to be…
How to Easily Edit the Menu in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learning how to edit the menu in WordPress is a simple process. Follow along with this post (use an extra screen or a new tab) to make sure you don't…
How to Use AI To Write Your Blog Author Bio
One of the most dreaded tasks for me as a blogger is writing about myself. Yeah, kinda weird considering I have a blog that is literally my name – but…
Best RankIQ Review 2025 (Updated With New Info!)
I haven't ever written a review about an SEO toolset before, but I fell in love with RankIQ and since I made my video in my Facebook group about it,…
How Bloggers Can Use ChatGPT for Email Marketing
Can robots really help bloggers with email marketing? The short answer is: yes. The longer answer is: also yes (see next 4,800 words for the expanded version). And it may…
17 Blogging Tasks to Hire Out to a Virtual Assistant
Hiring out simple blogging tasks to a virtual assistant frees up your time and your energy, and can even help you get caught up on your to do list! I…
Chrome Extensions for Bloggers: The Ultimate List
Chrome extensions are easy and (mostly) free tools perfect for bloggers. Whether you are a new blogger or one of the OGs, there is a Chrome extension for you to…
How (and why!) to Use a Heatmap on Your Blog
Have you ever worked painstakingly on a blog post with the perfect opt-in and then gotten feedback from others that they left your page confused? Or maybe you wonder why…
30+ Profitable Niche Blog Ideas (and How to Monetize Them!)
Starting a blog is easy. Getting a blog to the level of being able to monetize it? Definitely not as easy, but definitely possible – and it's one of those…
35+ Blog Post Formulas for Travel Bloggers
You've traveled and you want to share that with the world, but you get hung up on what to write about. I get it! Travel bloggers never have to run…
How to Start and Monetize a Blog + Regrets from Established Bloggers
Damnit. I said I wasn't gonna do it. I wasn't gonna write a “how to start a blog” post because there are so. many. damn. posts. about it out there…
Want to Write More Blog Posts? Start With Writing Every Day
Starting a blog for free (or cheap) comes with pros and cons. The pros are that you're doing it without spending a lot of money. The cons? Well, they're not…
How to Increase Blog Traffic Organically
I've been called “the blog whisperer” more than once, mostly because I have an almost magical intuition when it comes to knowing what will be successful and what will get…
19 Color Palettes for Your Blog or Business
I love browsing color palettes on Pinterest, but the truth is, my brand colors have been the same for nearly 15 years! I love teal and purple, so I always…
11 Ways to Increase Visibility to Your Black-Owned Business
Getting your small business out there can be tough, especially at first! Use this list to help you get more visibility for your Black-owned business. 🙂 Contact your local Chamber…