Why Waiting for the “Perfect” Time is the Riskiest Move You Can Make

Have you ever noticed how many of us spend more time “getting ready” to do something than it would take to actually do it?

(me, getting ready for the gym…)

I see this all the time with entrepreneurs – the endless preparation, the constant research, the “just one more course” syndrome. The thing is, while taking action can feel scary, waiting for the perfect moment is actually the riskiest move you can make.

And remember what I said last week? Feelings don't pay the bills (but these things do)!

lazy fox laying in a field

The Hidden Costs of Waiting

Every day you spend waiting for the perfect moment has a real cost.

And no, it's not just about lost time. You also lose opportunities, potential connections, and momentum.

Momentum is HUGE in my business.

I got an idea to create AI Launch Magic, I built it in under a week (8 hours of hyperfocus #forthewin) and then started telling EVERYONE about it because I loved it so much.

Within a few weeks, it had already made nearly $10,000!

Imagine if I had sat on that idea for weeks or months?!

That would be INSANE.

While you're perfecting your plan, someone else is out there learning from real experience. They're building relationships with customers, discovering what actually works, and yes, sometimes failing forward.

But most importantly? They're growing. Each imperfect action teaches them something new. Meanwhile, all that preparation time? It often just gives fear more time to grow roots. Helloooo, overthinking.

The REAL Risk

Markets evolve and opportunities disappear. That gap you see in the market today? Someone else will fill it if you don't.

Especially in the age of AI. Had I waited on my Launch Magic idea, someone else could've hit publish and served my audience.

The longer you wait, the more crowded your space becomes. Your unique idea or approach becomes less unique with each passing day. While I don't worry about “over saturation” (crazy myth), it does get harder to squeeeeeze into some markets when you keep waiting and waiting and waiting…

Your enthusiasm and motivation naturally fade over time. The excitement and energy you feel about your idea today? It's like a battery slowly draining while you wait.

You can't get that time – or energy – back.

The real risk isn't failing – it's never giving yourself the chance to succeed.

grandfather clock at the end of the hall, it is surrounded by plants

The “Perfect Time” Myth

Let's be honest about something: there's no such thing as being “fully ready.” For literally anything.

Whether you're adopting a new pet, having your first child, or even starting a new job… there's NO way to be fully prepared until you're IN IT.

Business is the same way!

That feeling you're waiting for – that moment when all the stars align and you feel completely prepared?

It doesn't exist.

The most successful entrepreneurs I know didn't feel ready when they started. They weren't ready when they launched their first product. They weren't ready when they made their first hire. But they did it anyway, and that's exactly why they succeeded.

I know I damn sure wasn't ready when I became a virtual assistant. I wasn't ready when I started teaching people how to blog. I wasn't ready when I had my first six figure year. I just kept doing the thing until I mastered my craft, and felt a littttle more ready for the next step.

colorful "FEAR" with an "X" through it

Breaking Through the Fear

So how do we move past this paralysis? Great question, friend.

It starts with understanding that imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time.

Your first attempt doesn't need to be flawless – it just needs to exist.

Do you love helping people as much as I do?

Then think about it this way: every day you wait to launch is a day someone misses out on what you have to offer.

Your ideas, your solution, your unique perspective – someone out there needs that, right now, even in its imperfect form.

Your Action Plan

Here's what I want you to do today:

  1. Choose ONE thing you've been waiting to do.
  2. Write down the very first step – make it tiny and manageable.
  3. Set a timer for 15 minutes and take action on just that first step.
  4. Share what you did in our PIPs community.

Remember: The goal isn't perfection. The goal is progress.

If you need help with breaking the tasks down, use AI!

Here's my brain dumping with AI process. (It's a video I made just for my VIPs, but it fits here, too!)

Ready to Take Action?

If you're finally ready to stop planning and start doing, I want you to join our free PIPs community.

Share what you're going to take action on today – and mention this post was your inspiration!

We'll be there to support you, celebrate your wins (no matter how small), and help you keep moving forward.

The perfect time isn't coming. But right now? This moment?

It's better than perfect – it's available.

What are you going to do with it?

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