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Feelings Don’t Pay the Bills But These 5 Things Do!

Let's have an honest conversation. Your feelings about your business – the doubt, the overwhelm, the “I'm not ready yet” or “I'm too busy” story you keep telling yourself – none of that is paying your bills.

Harsh? Maybe.

True? Absolutely.

We had this conversation over in my passive income Facebook group the other day, and I feel like a lot of people really need to hear it. One of my PIPs friends said she “felt” some kind of way about using AI to help her write her posts.

After a brief convo, she realized that the way she's using AI (creating videos and having AI turn them into blog posts) is still using her words, her story, and her creativity.

But I had to help her get a reality check: feelings don't pay the bills.

happy woman sitting next to a sad woman

My business needs to make money whether I'm happy, sad, anxious, or anything in between.

If you let your emotions control the actions you take in your business, you'll be broke when you're sad and only rich when you're happy.

As someone with BPD, that's not something I can afford!

Here's what actually puts money in your bank account:

1. Taking Consistent Action (aka Ditching Your Excuses)

Your competition isn't sitting around waiting for motivation to strike. They're publishing blog posts, creating freebies, and building their email lists while you're still “thinking about it.”

I get it. I've got ADHD. Focus is tough. But making a fuckton of money is way more fun than chasing shiny objects.

Every successful creator I've met (including myself, going from homeless to multiple six figures) has one thing in common: they take action while others are still planning to take action.

It's much better to move quickly and hit publish than to continually sit on the sidelines “perfecting” your blog posts, products, and membership.

screenshot of $9512 sales from a digital product

A product I created in November has made nearly $10K!

2. Creating Content That Converts

Feelings don't attract subscribers – valuable content does.

That blog post sitting in your drafts? It's not helping anyone, and it's certainly not building your email list.

The most successful creators aren't necessarily the most confident – they're the ones who hit ‘publish' consistently and get their work in front of their audience.

One of my VIPs just sent me a screenshot of her blog traffic – 65,000 pageviews in the past 30 days.

She started blogging one year ago.

Why is she already at Mediavine level while others who have blogged for 3+ years aren't?

She is consistent as fuck.

3. Building Your Email List

Your feelings about list building don't matter – your actual subscriber count (and how many people open and click those emails) does.

That freebie idea you've been sitting on? Someone else is already using it to grow their list.

Every day you wait to create and promote your lead magnet is another day of potential subscribers (and future customers) lost.

Check out some of my freebies:

What do all of these products have in common, besides being published before they were “perfect?” They all help my audience!

woman working online, she is blogging and making money with digital products

4. Launching Digital Products

The market doesn't reward your dreams of creating the perfect product – it rewards you for actually creating and launching something valuable.

Stop “perfecting” your membership and start getting it in front of people who need it.

Your potential customers don't care about your impostor syndrome; they care about whether your content solves their problems.

Obsessing over which tech stack to use? Go with an all in one platform like Subtrio. It's where I host all of my courses, memberships, and even my email list.

100% Free Blogging Course!

Step by Step how to build your own monetized blog,
from someone who has made
$1 million with her own blogging business!

5. Creating Systems That Scale

Feelings fluctuate, but systems stay solid.

When you build repeatable processes for your content creation, email marketing, and product launches, you create predictable results.

Your bank account doesn't care if you're feeling confident; it cares if you have systems that consistently bring in subscribers and convert them into customers.

Feeling super disorganized? I was, too, until I discovered how to build a “Second Brain” that works for my ADHD brain.

black woman sitting in a coffee shop full of plants, she is working online and making money through passive income pathways

The Bottom Line

Here's the truth that transformed my business: Success isn't about feeling ready. It's about being willing to publish that blog post, create that freebie, send that email, and launch that product while managing your feelings, not waiting for them to change.

Your bills don't care about your feelings, and neither does your audience (until they get to know you better).

Want to build a real online business?

Stop waiting to feel confident, capable, or ready. (Remember this post? Waiting for perfection is costing you money.)

Start taking consistent action:

  • Publish blog content regularly
  • Create and promote valuable freebies (like my blogging course)
  • Build your email list (a 52-week email sequence is fun!)
  • Launch digital products (even if they're not perfect)
  • Build systems that scale your results (like your Second Brain)

Because at the end of the day, your bank account doesn't run on emotions – it runs on finished products and actual subscribers.

Are you ready to stop letting your feelings run your business and start focusing on what actually creates results? That blog post won't write itself, and your email list won't grow itself.

The choice is yours, but your bills are still due either way. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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