Feelings Don’t Pay the Bills But These 5 Things Do!
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Feelings Don’t Pay the Bills But These 5 Things Do!

Let’s have an honest conversation. Your feelings about your business – the doubt, the overwhelm, the “I’m not ready yet” or “I’m too busy” story you keep telling yourself – none of that is paying your bills. Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely. We had this conversation over in my passive income Facebook group the other day,…

Woman enjoying writing emails now- joined Liz Wilcox Email Marketing Membership

Liz Wilcox’s Email Marketing Membership: Is It Worth It?

I’m going gush about Liz Wilcox’s Email Marketing Membership a bit because this membership did HELP my business (okay, me) in regards to emailing my list! Liz Wilcox calls herself the “Fresh Princess of Email Marketing,” and rightfully so. She knows her shit. Liz specializes in helping small businesses establish online relationships by helping them…