7 Glowforge Projects You Can Make With Wood Scraps

7 Glowforge Projects You Can Make With Wood Scraps

I’m always looking for new Glowforge projects to sell, but sometimes it feels like everything has already been done. I use my creativity combined with buying files (because I don’t make my own at the moment) to create best-selling items my customers love. Bonus points when I can make profit off of scrap (trash!!) wood!…

Glowforge: My Best Money-Maker to Date (and How to Afford One of Your Own!)

Glowforge: My Best Money-Maker to Date (and How to Afford One of Your Own!)

Our Glowforge has made us quite a bit of money this year, with part time work! I’ve been reading tons of stories of others having MASSIVE success, and because the ideas are so plentiful… I knew I had to share. Glowforge: My Best Money-Maker to Date (and How to Afford One of Your Own!) Are…