7 Businesses to Start for Under $150

I wrote this on my Facebook page but after it reached 1,000 words, I realized I should just throw it up here in a blog post. If you're looking for a way to invest your stimulus check, or if you aren't getting a stimulus check or are on a budget but still wanting to start a business, this post is for you.

Remember it was originally written for my friends so it's in no specific order and it's super relaxed compared to most of my posts. It's also not as detailed as most of my blog posts are, so take these ideas and run with them – or email me and ask me to write a more in-depth post on any of these ideas individually and I will. 😉

❤️$150 or less Biz Ideas❤️

If you don't have exact plans for your stimulus check yet, let's brainstorm! Most of you are getting that $600, plus $600 for at least one kid or spouse… Some will get more, some will get less, but it can work no matter what.

“Personalized gift” was the top searched term on Etsy, making customized gifts and products THE way to get started.

7 Businesses You Can STart for $150 or Less That Aren't MLMs

The links below are my affiliate links. And yes, affiliate marketing is a great (and legit!) way to make money in 2024. Dive in with me!

Pssst… before we get started, I found this free small business guide that gives a LOT of info you're going to need if you're starting your first business online! 🙂

First thing's first: I recommend having a physical shop as WELL as a digital shop(s).

I explain it like this: Physical shops are quick, short-term money. Digital shops are slower, but long-term. Having both is key to maximizing your success. My goal is always to get you to six figures with part-time work. That means doing more to get started than most people would be willing to do!


Etsy 40 free listings

Rollo Printer (if shipping on Etsy – not necessary but SUPER helpful)

A quick note: These costs do not include setting up an LLC or registering as a business. That cost varies from state to state. In my state, it's $50.

Have more money to invest in your biz? Check out my Glowforge post. I have friends who made $10K in their first few months!

💡Digital Etsy Business💡

You can start a digital Etsy shop for free, using the 40 free listings link above. It takes time, and patience, but you can do it.

image states "need digital product ideas? grab this freebie!"

💡Digital Shopify Business💡

Decide on the digital product(s) you'd like to create. I recommend starting out with bookmarks, cards, and planners.

Buy a domain, install WordPress, and use Shopify LITE to get a “Buy Now” button.

Keywords help people get their Etsy shops off the ground faster, saves them hours of time, and makes me a few bucks each time. That's a win/win and that's how I try to set all of my shops up.

What can you do to help someone else's business? Create templates/files that help THEM and help you at the same time.

💡How to start an earring business💡

Want to make your own earrings? This will take more time but you can get started for super cheap.

Buy this earring kit, and then get charms from this Etsy shop! I've been buying from her for YEARS (like 10+ years) and everything is always perfect. You'll want tissue paper, earring boxes (you can make on your Cricut), etc to make them look pretty when mailing out.

💡How to start a keychain business💡

Start with enough supplies to make 25 keychains. If you sell each keychain for $7, you make $150 after you pay for supplies. You can use tissue paper from the dollar store or get some bulk tissue paper here. Because these are not going to be fragile, you can ship in these polymailers.

💡How to start a print on demand shop💡

– I use Printful as my supplier.

– I use Shopify LITE and have it embedded on my blog. I don't like the full Shopify store, it's clunky and also $29 a month. Shopify LITE is only $9/mo and you can put it right on your blog.

Don't have a blog? Get a domain for $10 (for the year) and use Big Scoots for hosting. If you move away from Shopify, you still have your own website and can use another ecommerce plugin if you'd like.

Don't know how to start a website? YouTube is FULL of very simple tutorials. Sign up with Big Scoots, buy your domain somewhere else (I use NameCheap), connect the two, and install WordPress. Help with all of this is available for FREE on YouTube. Use. Your. Resources.

You can also find a step by step guide in my free Blogging Foundations resource.

You can start a t-shirt, mug, canvas bag, etc shop with ZERO inventory.

Use Canva to design some stuff, then make some mock ups that you can use in your Etsy listing.

I made $100 the first week I set up my print on demand t-shirt shop, and didn't have to make any shirts… just the designs! Plus, my prices are lower than most, and I still make great profits.

💡How to start affiliate marketing💡

Technically, being an affiliate costs $0. You can even do it without a website for some businesses. You can start by referring your friends and growing from there.

If you want to be an affiliate for any of my products, you can sign up for whatever ones you'd like, get your affiliate links, and start promoting.

💡Start a physical Etsy shop💡

Put your Cricut to work with these 7 projects you can sell, and follow DollarCrafter (a new craft blog) for cheap craft project ideas you can make and then sell on Etsy or locally!

Still hungry? Best 2024 Hustle Ideas

💡BONUS: Egg your yard💡

This is a one time thing rather than a business, but you could expand it for each holiday. ““Egg your yard” is a biz idea I do for Easter. We bought 2,100 eggs for $350 but you could start with smaller batches until you sell enough eggs to pay for more.

Basically you deliver a few dozen eggs to people's yards for a certain amount. Choose a zip code and cover JUST that area, if it's populated. Or, choose a few if you live in a more rural area. Don't have a car? Just stick with your neighborhood! 🙂

Offer add-ons and upsells like putting the Easter Bunny in a photo of their front yard for $5. It's literally 2 clicks on Canva! 😉

You could very easily make $1,000+ just for Easter. I have a friend who is planning her first egg your yard and her goal is $10,000! Expand that to every holiday and it becomes a viable year-round business!

Get ALL the details on exactly how to do EGG YOUR YARD in your town!

What should #8 be? Leave YOUR $150 or less business ideas in the comments below!

If this post helped you in any way, please pin one of these images below!

It helps my blog tremendously. Thank you!

Got $150? Here are 7 Business Ideas!
7 Businesses You Can Start with $150 or Less
Want to Start a Business? 7 Business Ideas You Can Start for Less Than $150

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