10 Easy Ways to Find Blog Content Ideas
One of my super powers is coming up with blog post ideas. So much so, in fact, that I used to sell post ideas to other bloggers for $1 each before AI was a thing. 🙂
Now that AI *is* a thing, you've got it easy when it comes to brainstorming content ideas for your blog!
Cue “back in my day…” (in my old geezer voice).
Trying to find content ideas for your blog can feel like a serious energy-drain, especially if you are busy or are struggling with tapping into your creativity. Ultimately, quality content that is relevant and helpful to your readers is what will set you apart from other blogs. This means you've gotta do some brainstorming and get to hitting that publish button!

While this list is certainly NOT exhaustive, it’ll give you enough tactics to start implementing immediately to fill up your content schedule and improve your blog traffic (as long as you hit publish!), regardless of your actual writing process.
These are simple yet super helpful ways to find ideas for what to post on your blog. If you have any of your own strategies that haven't been listed, please leave a comment below – I’d love to hear them!
Table of Contents
Use AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI tools, like ChatGPT, are great to help you brainstorm interesting and engaging blog post ideas. With a few easy prompts, you can help guide ChatGPT to provide more focused topics that cater to your specific niche.
Other popular AI content generation tools include RightBlogger (screenshot above), Koala, FABB, and Jasper, though new tools are added what seems like daily.
I really love RightBlogger because they offer unlimited everything for $29.99/month (or $299.99/year), whereas all the other tools I mentioned go on a credits or word-count based system. That gets expensive after a while when you're writing tons of blog posts, especially if you have multiple blogs or are building your solo blog up to 6 figures.
RightBlogger holds its own against Jasper (they charge more, have limits, don't allow you to use certain tools unless you pay more, and their SEO tool is an extra charge, too), and offers more than just writing.
While I like ChatGPT for some things, RB makes it super freaking simple to do everything all in one spot, without the need for prompting. Sometimes my brain is just not wanting to prompt, you know?
I wrote a whole review of RightBlogger AI so I won't go on and on here, but some of my favorite tools include:
- keyword clusters: this is MAGICAL – I paid for another tool that *only* did this
- content gaps: beautiful way to make sure you're gaining topical authority and thoroughly covering your niche
- smart suggest: suggests blog post ideas for YOUR site and does a damn good job at it
Ask Your Readers
While it may be tempting to rely on the latest tools and trends to find more ideas for your blog, nothing is going to resonate deeper with your followers than the information they actually want. But how do you know what it is they want? Just ask them! I do this in my Passive Income Facebook group all the time.
This latest poll got nearly 200 votes in 24 hours, and it solidified my hunch on what my people wanted to see next: a challenge about how to write blog posts that convert. My team and I had discussed the options and this was what I felt led to, but I wanted to make sure it was what my people wanted! This is a great way to validate any ideas or hunches you have about what products to create next, as well as which blog posts to write.
If you have an email list, send an email asking them if they have any particular challenges or questions that they’d really benefit from you covering on your blog. It builds trust with your list, quality engagement, and you can alert your subscribers once the post is live and drive great traffic to start ranking better for that post.
Send a link to a survey that your email subscribers can fill out, but don’t make it too lengthy and don’t burn out your list by sending these surveys too frequently.
In all honesty, I get WAY more interaction and responses in my Facebook group than I ever do via email, even though my email list is also pretty engaged… they don't like (or respond to) surveys much, even with a giveaway attached.
Read Comments
Get a good feel for what people need help with in your specific niche by reading the comments left by people online.
Your competitors' blog posts: Scroll to the bottom of a competitor’s blog post and see whether any comments have been left by their followers. Checking the FAQ’s section of a blog post or on the website of your competitor will also give you an idea of the type of information frequently sought by your readers.
Did the comments mention what was missing? Often times, “complaint” type comments will be the most helpful because readers will be asking questions that weren't answered.
You can use this opportunity to fill the gaps. RightBlogger actually has a tool that shows you content gaps between your article and your competitor's.
Facebook groups and pages: People love voicing their opinions, experiences, and challenges on Facebook groups and pages. It’s a great resource and will give you a ton of inspiration for what to write for your blog.
Reddit: Reddit hosts an endless amount of ‘subreddits’ which are essentially online forums pertaining to specific topics. By joining a subreddit in your niche, you can view the discussions of those who have an interest in your niche, gain insight, and inspiration for new blog post ideas.
I love and hate reddit. I use it for a few reasons, though: to gather data about what people are searching for in regards to blogging, and to leave my link when and where it's appropriate.
What are their struggles and problems? What are their complaints about other programs? What can I do better than any other blogger out there is doing right now?
Quora: Quora is a question and answer platform. Similar to Reddit, this platform will help you to quickly get a feel for the type of information people are seeking on particular topics. These questions and answers could easily be turned into blog posts. There's a lot of spam and junk on Quora, so don't spend too much time there. Do a quick search, gather some intel, and get out. Don't waste time. 🙂
Keyword Research
Keyword research will always give you a solid idea of what is being searched for the most within your niche or topic. While you don't have to be an expert with SEO, it's a good idea to at least follow my Lazy SEO method. And use the right SEO tool. Here is a review of my #1 recommended SEO tool for bloggers.
You can use RightBlogger for some of your SEO research. Their SEO tool includes volume, CPC, and competition. That's plenty of data to get you started. People Also Ask (PAA) isn't quite as helpful, but sometimes you can find a few little golden nuggets there.
You'll definitely want to use the Content Gap and Keyword Cluster tools if using RightBlogger because they'll help you gain topical authority, which is a big deal in the blogging world… even moreso since Google's “Helpful” Content Update (aka the Unhelpful Rank 10 Year Old Reddit Articles Above All Update).
Become A Student
As we gain knowledge and experience within a particular industry, topic, or niche, it can become easy to think you know enough, but there’s always more to learn, even if just discovering a different perspective than your own.
One of my best tips when you are choosing your blog niche is to choose something you know a little about, but are excited to learn MORE about – so you can become an expert. Being a student is FUN and makes writing so much easier!
Expose yourself to other influencers and industry leaders or experts within your niche by listening to podcasts, watching interviews, or reading books. You’ll be amazed by how many ideas will come flooding to your mind as you add this practice to your week.
Websites like Medium are a great source of collective ideas and you can assess how well a specific topic has done by the level of engagement from readers. I write on Medium for fun, about random topics… but did you know you can actually syndicate your content and make money with Medium? It's worth a shot if you're diversifying your blogging income.
Repurpose Content
Repurposing content is so underrated! I'm guilty of NOT repurposing, even though it's so simple to do.
Sift through your previous blog posts or social media posts and see which brought in the most traffic and engagement. If your audience loved the topic once, they'll love it again. Don't cannabalize your keywords, talk about the topic from another angle or take a roundup of 15 reasons to 25 reasons, and republish it.
This strategy saves you time since you already have a solid framework to work from and you have greater surety that it’ll be responded to well.
The key with this strategy is not to only repurpose content which you just published. Focus on content that has already gained traction (via traffic, rankings, social, email responses, etc).
You can take your blog posts and turn them into social media posts, videos, podcasts, and emails. For example, this post talks about 11 ways to come up with blog post ideas, right? I can easily make a video and pop it up on YouTube, turn it into a simple listicle and put it in an image on Canva to share on social media, or even do YouTube Shorts, TikToks, or Facebook reels giving the same information in a different format.
Besides repurposing your own content, you can use books and other articles as a starting point for writing more articles for your audience. For example, if you're reading a book and come across an amazing point, you can turn that ONE point into an entire article.
I bought the book Do Epic Shit by Ankur Warikoo while I was in India, and it is literally one of my favorite books. Every time I read it, it sparks a gazillion blog post ideas.
This page about creating a WhatsApp group? What a great idea. And guess what? I already do this! I have the convo pinned to the top, too, so it's always easy to find.
Writing a blog post about it would be right up my alley. I could also write a blog post like “10 Lessons I Learned From Ankur Warikoo” or “10 Lessons from Do Epic Shit.”
Don't copy someone else's work, ever, but most of the time when I find something awesome in a book, it's just a reminder of what I have heard elsewhere anyway. Turning it into an article would be easy peasy.
Sometimes just a phrase or word will spark a whole article idea for me. There was a book that mentioned a “backwards to do list” and before I even read what their list looked like, I stopped what I was doing and wrote my blog post about a backwards to do list because that's how I get stuff done.
Work smarter, not harder! 🙂
Mix It Up
Your content strategy should include variation. While I love (!!) writing post like 101 blog post ideas for the mindfulness niche, and those posts perform well for me, I know in order to have a well-rounded blog I do need to cover my topic thoroughly from all angles.
The Passive Income Pathways blog includes:
- product reviews: like this review of Learn and Earn Profits (TL;DR: not a fan!!)
- in-depth guides: like this post about how to start a laser business on a budget
- deep dives: like my how to make more sales on Etsy cluster
- fun posts: like these Mel Robbins quotes and blog color palette ideas
- and more!
Listicle and review posts can be very helpful to your readers, and they open up the door of using affiliates very easily. While this blog post doesn't have affiliate links, you'll see some of my other posts do. I recommend limiting the number of posts you put affiliate links in, especially since the HCU seems to have flagged “over monetized” blogs as “unhelpful.” I guess Google wants us to work for free lol.
Subscribe to Newsletters
Gone are the days when emails were only sent out for promotional deals. Today’s newsletters read more like blog posts and have in fact been referred to by many as the new “blogging.” While I wouldn't say all that, I will say people have stepped their newsletter game up quite a bit in these past few years and I'm loving it.

Newsletters can offer a wealth of information, sent directly to your inbox! Subscribe to JUST A FEW newsletters that focus on the niche you blog about to keep up with industry news and other information which you can use as content ideas for your blog. Don't overdo it or you're going to overwhelm yourself and make your inbox a junk box!
Alerts and Notifications
Set up Google Alerts for topics that you write about. You’ll get notified and can review this content to see whether there are any opportunities for you to expand upon that information or to fill gaps that haven’t been covered.
It is simple for you to stay on top of trends without spinning your wheels because the alerts come straight to your inbox.
I also have alerts set up for my name and my business name. This is how I found out there were bro dudes talking shit about Passive Income Pathways, writing fake reviews when they have never even taken my courses. Sad, but true.
You can set up alerts for your competitors, too. So if they go viral, launch an epic product, start a podcast, etc you'll be the first to know.
Keep a Notepad Nearby
I have a stack of notebooks on my desk, a mini notebook I carry around with me, and my phone and iPad with Notes apps for when I have ideas comes to me throughout the day.
It’s so easy to get caught up with the business of everyday life and forget these details which could be helpful or interesting to your blog followers. A small handheld notepad can fit into your handbag or pocket for easy access, or you can use your phone to keep your ideas safe.
Will you ever get to them? Well, probably not, if I'm being honest. I have like 259,347,823 ideas of blog posts waiting to be written, and another 900 in drafts that I've started and may never finish. But, if you're someone who runs shorter on ideas than that, you may actually get to publish them all! 😉
What's Next?
I hope you've already taken my free Blogging Foundations course, but if you haven't, that's your starting point! And, you can join my LITE membership that includes courses for affiliate marketing, Facebook group growth, and more – all to help you on your path to becoming a 6-figure blogger.
And if you aren't on my email list yet, you can join right here. I send out somewhat sporadic (my bad) emails that will help you along your blogging and content creation journey.
Leave a comment below letting me know which tip was your favorite, or if you have any of your own to add! 🙂 Thanks for reading. I appreciate it.
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It helps my blog tremendously. Thank you!